Welcome to Sugarfire Volleyball

Enrollment is LIVE below!

(All leagues are 18 and older)

  • Sunday 9/8
    5:50 PM
    Puffin Pigeons vs Back and Body Hurts!
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/8
    5:50 PM
    THAT’S WHAT SHE SET vs Unprotected Sets
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/8
    6:40 PM
    Back and Body Hurts! vs THAT’S WHAT SHE SET
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/8
    6:40 PM
    Unprotected Sets vs Puffin Pigeons
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/8
    7:30 PM
    Team Surfside vs No Dig’gity
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/8
    7:30 PM
    The Weakest Links vs OG6
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/8
    8:20 PM
    OG6 vs Team Surfside
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/8
    8:20 PM
    No Dig’gity vs The Weakest Links
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    5:50 PM
    Bad News Bears vs Your Killing Me SM...
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    5:50 PM
    Big Digs vs Long Shots
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Monday 9/9
    6:40 PM
    Long Shots vs Bad News Bears
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    6:40 PM
    Your Killing Me SM... vs Innsbrook Crew
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Monday 9/9
    7:30 PM
    Innsbrook Crew vs Blood, Sweat, and ...
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    7:30 PM
    Hits & Giggles vs Big Digs
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Monday 9/9
    8:20 PM
    Bumpin’ Uglies vs Hits & Giggles
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    8:20 PM
    Grotto Grillerz vs Casual Sets
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Monday 9/9
    9:10 PM
    Blood, Sweat, and ... vs Grotto Grillerz
    Pork Court #1  
  • Monday 9/9
    9:10 PM
    Casual Sets vs Bumpin’ Uglies
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    6:40 PM
    Key Bumps vs Chewblocka
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    6:40 PM
    2 Bumb Chumps vs Titsburgh Feelers
    Pork Court #1  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    7:30 PM
    Chewblocka vs 2 Bumb Chumps
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    7:30 PM
    Titsburgh Feelers vs Key Bumps
    Pork Court #1  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    8:20 PM
    Freedom Fitness We... vs Pass & Hitties
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    8:20 PM
    Drink Surfside vs JV
    Pork Court #1  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    9:10 PM
    Pass & Hitties vs Drink Surfside
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Tuesday 9/10
    9:10 PM
    JV vs Freedom Fitness We...
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    5:50 PM
    Power Hour vs Net Ninjas
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    5:50 PM
    Resting Beach Faces vs Miller Time
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    6:40 PM
    Net Ninjas vs Master Networks
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    6:40 PM
    Miller Time vs Shady Beaches
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    7:30 PM
    Power Hour vs ChewBlocka
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    7:30 PM
    Nothing to lose vs Resting Beach Faces
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    8:20 PM
    Master Networks vs Blocka Flocka Flame
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    8:20 PM
    Shady Beaches vs 21 Bump St
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    9:10 PM
    ChewBlocka vs Blocka Flocka Flame
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    9:10 PM
    All Sets are Off vs Nothing to lose
    Pork Court #1  
  • Wednesday 9/11
    10:00 PM
    All Sets are Off vs 21 Bump St
    Pork Court #1  
  • Thursday 9/12
    6:40 PM
    Unprotected Sets vs Dixon Cider
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Thursday 9/12
    6:40 PM
    Howl at the Noon vs Setting Ducks
    Pork Court #1  
  • Thursday 9/12
    7:30 PM
    Spike Tyson vs Dixon Cider
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Thursday 9/12
    7:30 PM
    Howl at the Noon vs Cheeseburgers
    Pork Court #1  
  • Thursday 9/12
    8:20 PM
    Unprotected Sets vs Balls to the Walls
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Thursday 9/12
    8:20 PM
    Cheeseburgers vs Setting Ducks
    Pork Court #1  
  • Thursday 9/12
    9:10 PM
    Spike Tyson vs Balls to the Walls
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    5:50 PM
    Sets for Money vs Piss Missiles
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    5:50 PM
    Way Out vs Sandblasters
    Pork Court #1  
  • Friday 9/13
    6:40 PM
    Sandblasters vs Phase 2
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    6:40 PM
    Piss Missiles vs Way Out
    Pork Court #1  
  • Friday 9/13
    7:30 PM
    Our Drinks Are Spi... vs Sets for Money
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    7:30 PM
    Phase 2 vs Your Mom's favorit...
    Pork Court #1  
  • Friday 9/13
    8:20 PM
    Hit It & Get It vs Get it up
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    8:20 PM
    Friday Night Sets vs Our Drinks Are Spi...
    Pork Court #1  
  • Friday 9/13
    9:10 PM
    Get it up vs Friday Night Sets
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Friday 9/13
    9:10 PM
    Your Mom's favorit... vs Hit It & Get It
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/15
    5:50 PM
    No Dig’gity vs OG6
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/15
    5:50 PM
    Back and Body Hurts! vs Unprotected Sets
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/15
    6:40 PM
    OG6 vs Back and Body Hurts!
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/15
    6:40 PM
    Unprotected Sets vs No Dig’gity
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/15
    7:30 PM
    Puffin Pigeons vs THAT’S WHAT SHE SET
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/15
    7:30 PM
    Team Surfside vs The Weakest Links
    Pork Court #1  
  • Sunday 9/15
    8:20 PM
    THAT’S WHAT SHE SET vs Team Surfside
    Brisket Court 2  
  • Sunday 9/15
    8:20 PM
    The Weakest Links vs Puffin Pigeons
    Pork Court #1  
  • Freedom Fitness Wentzvi...     1

    2 Bumb Chumps     2
    Match Results: 19-17, 11-19, 16-19
    Tuesday - REC
  • Pass & Hitties     3

    Titsburgh Feelers     0
    Match Results: 19-10, 19-17, 19-5
    Tuesday - REC
  • 2 Bumb Chumps     1

    Pass & Hitties     2
    Match Results: 9-19, 4-19, 19-13
    Tuesday - REC
  • Titsburgh Feelers     3

    Freedom Fitness Wentzvi...     0
    Match Results: 19-7, 19-2, 19-15
    Tuesday - REC
  • Drink Surfside     1

    Key Bumps     2
    Match Results: 15-19, 6-19, 19-16
    Tuesday - REC
  • JV     0

    Chewblocka     3
    Match Results: 7-19, 16-19, 15-19
    Tuesday - REC
  • Chewblocka     3

    Drink Surfside     0
    Match Results: 19-14, 19-13, 19-14
    Tuesday - REC
  • Key Bumps     3

    JV     0
    Match Results: 19-5, 19-11, 19-15
    Tuesday - REC
  • Net Ninjas     0

    ChewBlocka     3
    Match Results: 18-20, 8-19, 16-19
  • Nothing to lose     2

    Shady Beaches     1
    Match Results: 19-17, 10-19, 19-17
    LADIES 6's
  • ChewBlocka     3

    Master Networks     0
    Match Results: 19-7, 19-11, 21-20
  • 21 Bump St     0

    Nothing to lose     3
    Match Results: 8-19, 9-19, 4-19
    LADIES 6's
  • Blocka Flocka Flame     3

    Net Ninjas     0
    Match Results: 19-13, 19-7, 19-9
  • Shady Beaches     3

    Resting Beach Faces     0
    Match Results: 19-13, 19-17, 19-17
    LADIES 6's
  • Master Networks     1

    Power Hour     2
    Match Results: 13-19, 15-19, 19-13
  • Miller Time     3

    21 Bump St     0
    Match Results: 19-7, 19-14, 19-5
    LADIES 6's
  • Power Hour     0

    Blocka Flocka Flame     3
    Match Results: 12-19, 18-20, 13-19
  • All Sets are Off     0

    Resting Beach Faces     3
    Match Results: 5-19, 16-19, 10-19
    LADIES 6's
  • Miller Time     3

    All Sets are Off     0
    Match Results: 19-13, 19-11, 19-7
    LADIES 6's
  • Balls to the Walls     0

    Dixon Cider     3
    Match Results: 3-19, 7-19, 15-19
    Thursday - Rec
  • Howl at the Noon     1

    Setting Ducks     2
    Match Results: 14-19, 9-19, 19-13
    Thursday Intermediate
  • Balls to the Walls     0

    Spike Tyson     3
    Match Results: 13-19, 14-19, 9-19
    Thursday - Rec
  • Setting Ducks     2

    Cheeseburgers     1
    Match Results: 15-19, 19-14, 19-14
    Thursday Intermediate
  • Dixon Cider     3

    Unprotected Sets     0
    Match Results: 19-1, 19-11, 19-16
    Thursday - Rec
  • Howl at the Noon     0

    Cheeseburgers     3
    Match Results: 13-19, 16-19, 16-19
    Thursday Intermediate
  • Unprotected Sets     3

    Spike Tyson     0
    Match Results: 19-13, 19-14, 19-6
    Thursday - Rec
  • Friday Night Sets     3

    Sets for Money     0
    Match Results: 19-7, 19-14, 19-12
  • Way Out     0

    Your Mom's favorite pla...     3
    Match Results: 13-19, 16-19, 11-19
  • Your Mom's favorite pla...     3

    Sandblasters     0
    Match Results: 19-9, 19-1, 19-14
  • Sets for Money     0

    Way Out     3
    Match Results: 4-19, 6-19, 9-19
  • Piss Missiles     3

    Friday Night Sets     0
    Match Results: 19-5, 19-9, 19-16
  • Sandblasters     1

    Get it up     2
    Match Results: 20-18, 15-19, 10-19
  • Phase 2     3

    Our Drinks Are Spiked     0
    Match Results: 19-6, 19-12, 19-11
  • Hit It & Get It     2

    Piss Missiles     1
    Match Results: 19-17, 14-19, 19-15
  • Our Drinks Are Spiked     0

    Hit It & Get It     3
    Match Results: 11-19, 9-19, 17-19
  • Get it up     0

    Phase 2     3
    Match Results: 16-19, 12-19, 19-21

Premier Sand Volleyball Courts. Awesome People. Amazing food and drinks. 

Presentational FALL 2 visual

FALL 2 - Fall II 2024

Registration is LIVE for FALL SESSION #2 (Coed Rec each night, Ladies Wednesdays, or Intermediate Thursdays) 


WEEK 1 (tentatively/weather dependent) STARTS ON 10/08/24

 Double-Headers against different teams each week!

Potential game times are as follows: 

5:50pm, 6:40, 7:30, 8:20, 9:10 , 10:00pm

4 weeks of Double-Header games, plus week 5 playoffs! 


(All league registration fees are final sale.  This ensures no one is simply holding or saving preferred nights to later change or cancel.  Unfortunately, this does happen...)


Registration Status:
Early Bird Registration:
Thursday, September 5, 2024 - Saturday, September 14, 2024
Regular Registration:
Sunday, September 15, 2024 - Friday, October 4, 2024
Program Duration:
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Monday, November 4, 2024
Early Registration Cost:
Regular Registration Cost: